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Owning Yourself

Buber, M. (1923 ). I and Thou. Edinburgh, T & T Clark.
Butler, L. D., et al. (2019). "Six domains of self-care: Attending to the whole person." Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 29(1): 107-124
Dweck, C. S. (2010). "Even geniuses work hard." Educational Leadership 68(1): 16-20.
Eisenberg, N., et al. (2004). Effortful control: Relations with emotion regulation, adjustment, and socialization in childhood. Handbook of Self-Regulation: Research, Theory, and Applications. R. F. Baumeister and K. Vohs, D. New York, The Guildford Press: 259-283.
Prioritising individual capacity to sense, reflect, act and engage with community and the wider world is part of the theoretical basis of Sense of Safety
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©2022 Sense of Safety Project.
Designed by Afterhours Creative Studio.

The Sense of Safety Project acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land now called Australia and those First Nations peoples in the USA, Norway, and Canada, where our researchers are located. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge the lands now called Australia were never ceded and recognise their people’s continuation of culture and connection to land, sky and sea. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia’s First Peoples and honour the rich diversity of the world’s oldest living culture.

We also acknowledge the support from the University of Queensland for its contributions to this project.

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