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Meet our community of researchers

We would like to thank the members of each focus group who have contributed to the refining and testing of the concept of Sense of Safety. We are grateful for your time and wisdom so generously shared. We are especially thankful for those with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wisdom, and those with lived experience of mental distress and family violence who have contributed to this work.

We would like to honour those organisations who have contributed to this research: The University of Queensland, The Larry Green Centre, The Norwegian University of Technology, The University of Liverpool, University of Sunshine Coast, Australian Society for Psychological Medicine, Brisbane South Primary Health Network, Rhizomes, A Place to Belong, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners – Psychological Medicine Specific Interest Group, Centre for Women and Co., Headspace, and the World Federation of Family Physicians.

Dr Johanna Lynch

Dr Johanna Lynch

PhD MBBS Grad Cert (Health Sciences) FRACGP FASPM

I am part of the SOS Project because I believe we need a shared language that prioritises healing-oriented care that crosses disciplines and facilitates our embodied human experience of safe settled connection to people, place, and meaning.

Emeritus Professor Mieke Van Driel

Emeritus Professor Mieke Van Driel


I am part of the SOS Project because ‘sense of safety’ makes ‘sense’ and perfectly captures the generalist approach that makes general practice care unique.

Professor Pamela Meredith

Professor Pamela Meredith

PhD BA (Hons) BSc BOccThy

I am part of the SOS Project because this concept provides the language to support interprofessional communication and collaboration and supports provision of whole person care.

Chris Dowrick

Chris Dowrick


I am part of the SOS Project because I believe ‘sense of safety’ is a fundamental human right, and something that all clinicians should be seeking to enhance in our patients.

Linn Getz

Linn Getz


I am part of the SOS Project because the idea makes profound clinical sense. It has relevance for us all; patients, practitioners and also researchers.

Dr Kurt Stange

Dr Kurt Stange


I am part of the SOS Project because generalism matters, and the people that provide and participate in generalist care matter, and sense of safety is an essential aspect of generalist care.

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