Transdisciplinary evidence-based research for Sense of Safety
Underpinning the whole Sense of Safety project is a library of transdisciplinary evidence-based research.

“Sense of Safety is not feeling threat regarding your body, mind, and spirit; feeling safe in all aspects of life, being respected for your body, mind, and spirit.”
Lived experience stakeholder (2017)
“I think Sense of Safety is a lovely phrase – it is common English – it works – everyone thinks they know what it means – and probably what everyone’s idea of what it means is not too different from what everyone else’s idea of what it means – so it is useful.”
Academic mental health clinician (2018)

“while … [sense of safety concept]… has not yet found its home because it is not covered by any specific discipline, there is an Indigenous epistemology and ontology that is very close to the theoretical transdisciplinary approach presented. There is perhaps a relationships between Indigenous critical pedagogy and within indigenous healing practices.”
Professor Judy Atkinson’s foreword to Lynch (2021) A whole person approach to wellbeing: Sense of Safety (p, xiv)
“I think that one of my main roles, being a GP for people over time, is to contribute to safety. Sometimes I think it is the only thing I do for some of my patients is to be the safety. They know they can contact me, they know I can’t solve the problem, but I will be there.”
GP (2022)